Elegant abundance Getaway Retreat and private appointments 


Articles on The Most Burning Questions And Answers That We All Want, The Loves And Loves Lost, The Successes and Loss of Opportunity.

Emotions and feelings that either keep us up all night and stress us throughout the day, or embrace us with joy and satisfaction all day every day.


Our lives for most of us through westernized conditioning for many are as confined as those of the laboratory monkeys that are kept in separate cages. These tactile animals are denied physical interaction, yet when released from those cages, their DNA  seems to awaken despite never touching one another when the bars a  removed their natural instinct of touch is immediate.

We humans are just like these monkeys, here at elegant abundance, through simple yet powerful and deeply moving processes, the invisible bars disappear and our natural deep need for connection can become obvious and easy to allow.

 We suffer from personal neglect simply because we are disconnected from our inner world. When your inner world is functioning at it's capacity; connection to outer world becomes an extension of our entire being.

Many people grew up in an environment an evolved human would have tremendous difficulty evolving. Abraham Maslow is inspiration to me. From humble beginnings and being a poor student becoming one of the most quoted people in history on human mind and self actualisation.

Here we work on self actualisation. This process taps into inner resouces that average mind cannot even comprehend.

Their integrity and commitment to interconnectedness is just one of their attributes. Read more...