Elegant Abundance relationship strategist

Depression and Overcoming Challenges and Outcomes.



This video shares his breakthrough.

When life gets painful enough to do something about it.

Developing awareness and getting out of the head.

Establishing flow by getting out of the head.


Putting theory into action. Learning how to follow through.

Getting clear on friends who are not really friends. Defining quality friendships and recognising the difference in supportive talking and actually doing what it takes.

He thought he had friends that supported him until we defined the support.

Getting clarity on quality and depth of friendships. That begins at 3.30 minutes. This is a very confronting video where he begins to mentally realise most friends would not do a thing to really support you. The first video on this page is the advanced level of support we engaged in. But first he had to accept that they were not there for him. He then let go of their promise to support him. He recognised there was no support out there. Following this conversation he let go and reconnected himself to following my direction.

It's worth watching the entire play list of this mans transformation. Full play list is 14 videos at this stage. Begins with empty vessel video. His progress was due to residential and semi residential programme. You really need someone guiding you through every stage for full embodiment to be experienced or you will default to old patterns.